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Velocity variations of Gliese 581

Three-planet Keplerian model of the Gliese 581 radial-velocity variations. The panels display the phase-folded curve of each of the planets, with points representing the observed radial velocities, after removing the effect of the other planets. Top panel refers to the 15 Earth-mass planet orbiting close to the star (5-d period), the middle one is the 5 Earth-mass planet in the habitable zone and the lower panel shows evidence for a third, 8 Earth-mass planet with a period of 84 days. The error on one measurement is of the order of 1 m/s.



About the Image

Release date:25 April 2007
Related releases:eso0722
Size:1362 x 2124 px

About the Object

Name:Gliese 581
Type:Milky Way : Star : Circumstellar Material : Planetary System
Distance:20 light years

Image Formats

Large JPEG
307.3 KB
Screensize JPEG
214.5 KB