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ALMA Services Affected by Cyberattack

2 November 2022

Last Saturday, 29 October, at 6:14 AM (GMT-3), the ALMA observatory in Chile suffered a cyberattack on its computer systems, forcing the suspension of astronomical observations and the public website. There are limited email services at the observatory. The threat has been contained, and our specialists are working hard to restore affected systems. The attack did not compromise the ALMA antennas or any scientific data. Given the nature of the episode, it is not yet possible to estimate a timeline for a return to regular activities. We are thankful for the support and understanding across the ALMA partnership and apologize for any inconveniences resulting from the recovery efforts.


Nicolas Lira Turpaud
Education & Public Outreach Coordinator
ALMA Observatory
Tel: +56 2 24 67 65 19

Juan Carlos Muñoz Mateos 
ESO Media Officer 
Garching bei München, Germany 
Tel: +49 89 3200 6176 

About the Announcement



This image shows close to a dozen of the ALMA telescope dishes, all pointing in different directions. The dishes are large, almost bowl-like and and silvery in colou. The image is captured during the night, with a dark sky in the background, and the moon illuminating the dishes.
ALMA's world at night