The spiral galaxy NGC 6744 in the constellation of Pavo

This chart shows the location of the spiral galaxy NGC 6744 within the constellation of Pavo (The Peacock). This map shows most of the stars visible to the unaided eye under good conditions and the galaxy itself is marked with a red ellipse in a red circle. This galaxy can be easily seen with a small telescope.


ESO, IAU and Sky & Telescope

Riguardo l'immagine

Data di rilascio:Mercoledì 01 Giugno 2011 12:00
Notizie relative:eso1118
Grandezza:3338 x 3284 px

Riguardo all'oggetto

Nome:NGC 6744, Pavo Constellation
Tipo:Local Universe : Sky Phenomenon : Night Sky : Constellation
Distanza:30 Milione Anni luce

Formati delle immagini

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