Spiral galaxy NGC 7424 and SN2001ig
These are colour composites based on FORS 2 and VIMOS images taken in the R-band (15 sec), V (60 sec) and B (90 sec).
Two composite colour-coded image of a part of NGC 7424. The left image was made from an exposure taken with the FORS 2 instrument on VLT Yepun on June 16, 2002. In this, the supernova - although considerably fainter than when it was discovered six months earlier - is still well visible in the middle right of the image. The right image was obtained in October 2004, the supernova is no more apparent. The image covers 3.8 x 3.2 square arcminutes. North is up and East is to the right.
The images were obtained by Massimo Turatto for a large consortium of astronomers ("The Padova Supernova Group").
Riguardo l'immagine
Identificazione: | eso0436d |
Tipo: | Osservazione |
Data di rilascio: | 01 Dicembre 2004 |
Notizie relative: | eso0436 |
Grandezza: | 1923 x 827 px |
Riguardo all'oggetto
Nome: | NGC 7424, SN 2001ig |
Tipo: | Local Universe : Galaxy : Type : Spiral Local Universe : Star : Evolutionary Stage : Supernova |
Distanza: | 35 Milione Anni luce |
Categoria: | Galaxies Stars |
Colori e filtri
Banda | Lunghezza d'onda | Telescopio |
Ottico B | 440 nm | Very Large Telescope FORS2 |
Ottico B | 456 nm | Very Large Telescope VIMOS |
Ottico V | 557 nm | Very Large Telescope FORS2 |
Ottico V | 540 nm | Very Large Telescope VIMOS |
Ottico R | 655 nm | Very Large Telescope FORS2 |
Ottico R | 652 nm | Very Large Telescope VIMOS |
Note: The left image was taking using VLT instrument VIMOS, and the right using the VLT instrument FORS2.