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Wissenschaftliche Tatsache oder Fiktion? | Chasing Starlight 2

Erforschen Sie die wissenschaftlichen Hintergründe einiger der beliebtesten Science-Fiction-Filme wie Avatar und Interstellar. 

In dieser Folge geht ESO-Astronomin Suzanna Randall der Frage nach, was in Avatars Alpha-Centauri-System, dem Schicksal von Beteigeuze und dem Schwarzen Loch Gargantua in Interstellar Fakt und was Fiktion ist.

Nebenbei erfahren Sie, wie die Entdeckungen, die mit den Teleskopen der ESO gemacht wurden, uns helfen, die Welt der Science-Fiction besser zu verstehen.

00:00 Einführung
00:57 Der Planet Pandora aus Avatar
03:48 Der rote Überriesenstern Beteigeuze
06:51 Das Schwarze Loch Gargantua aus Interstellar

Entdecken Sie mehr von der ESO 



Directed by
: Martin Wallner, Luis Calçada, Martin Kornmesser
Hosted by: Suzanna Randall
Written by: Jonas Enander, Claudia Sciarma, Bárbara Ferreira, Martin Wallner
Editing: Martin Kornmesser
Videography: Angelos Tsaousis
Footage and photos: Y. Beletsky (LCO)/ESO, ESO/B. Tafreshi, ESO/M. Kornmesser, ESO/L. Calçada, ESO/ NEAR Collaboration, NASA-JPL/Caltech,, timemagazine, INAOE Archives, N. Patel, EAO-W. Montgomerie, D. Harvey, N. Billot, Wikipedia, S. R. Schimpf, IRAM, ESO/B. Tafreshi (, N. Risinger (, NASA, ESA, EHT Collaboration, Solar Dynamics Observatory, videvo, Digitized Sky Survey 2, Davide De Martin, José Francisco Salgado (
Music: Johan B. Monell (, Luis Calçada, videvo
Animations & Infographics:  Luis Calçada, Martin Kornmesser
Web and technical support: Gurvan Bazin and Raquel Yumi Shida
Scientific consultant: Juan Carlos Muñoz Mateos
Promotion: Oana Sandu
Filming Locations: ESO Supernova (
Produced by ESO, the European Southern Observatory (

Movie clips:

Avatar (2009)
20th Century Fox, Lightstorm Entertainment, Dune Entertainment, Ingenious Film Partners, James Cameron (director), James Cameron (producer), Jon Landau (producer)

Avatar: The Way of Water (2022)
Lightstorm Entertainment, TSG Entertainment Finance LLC, James Cameron (director), Richard Baneham (executive producer), James Cameron (producer p.g.a.), Jon Landau (producer p.g.a.), Peter M. Tobyansen (executive producer: Prep Only), David Valdes (executive producer), Brigitte Yorke (associate producer)

Lost in Space (2018 – 2021)
Netflix, Irwin Allen (creator) , Matt Sazama (creator), Burk Sharpless (creator) Sazama Sharpless Productions, Applebox Entertainment, Synthesis Entertainment, Clickety-Clack Productions, Legendary Television

Beetlejuice (1988)
Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., Tim Burton (director), Michael Bender (producer), Larry Wilson (producer), Richard Hashimoto (producer)

Blade Runner (1982)
Alcon Entertainment, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., Ridley Scott (director), Michael Deeley (producer)

The Black Hole (1979)
Walt Disney Productions, Gary Nelson (director), Ron Miller (producer)

Interstellar  (2014)
Legendary Pictures, Syncopy, Christopher Nolan (director), Emma Thomas (producer), Christopher Nolan (producer), Lynda Obst (producer)

Über das Video

Veröffentlichungsdatum:30. Juni 2023 14:00
Dauer:11 m 40 s
Frame rate:25 fps

Über das Objekt

Ultra HD (info)



166,7 MB

For Broadcasters