Hera – ESA's planetary defence mission fulldome show

Journey to an asteroid with Hera – a small spacecraft with big ambitions. Hera is ESA’s contribution to humanity’s first ever planetary defence experiment. Its up-close observations of double asteroid system Didymos will help prove whether we could ever deflect an asteroid on a collision course with Earth.



A Science Office production for ESA.

Project coordination: Mariana Barrosa (Science Office) and Nicole Shearer (EJR-Quartz for ESA)
Animation and motion graphics: Rui Braz
Design: David Santos and Joana Santos
Script: ESA
Music: Paulo Raimundo
English narration: Brian May
French narration: Ingrid Barzic
German narration: Christoph Molthagen
Spanish narration: Penélope Saray
Italian narration: Francesco Di Lorenzo

Om videon

Publiceringsdatum:15 juli 2021 12:13
Speltid:06 m 22 s
Frame rate:25 fps

Om objektet

Kategori:Solar System


Fulldome Preview

Broadcast Audio