The VST captures three spectacular nebulae in one image

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Image caption: Two of the sky’s more famous residents share the stage with a lesser-known neighbour in this enormous three gigapixel image from ESO’s VLT Survey Telescope (VST). On the right lies the faint, glowing cloud of gas called Sharpless 2-54, the iconic Eagle Nebula (Messier 16) is in the centre, and the Omega Nebula (Messier 17) to the left. This cosmic trio makes up just a portion of a vast complex of gas and dust within which new stars are springing to life and illuminating their surroundings.

This image is part of a panorama which can be downloaded in high resolution on

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Publiceringsdatum:2 februari 2022 18:00


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1,2 MB
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497,1 kB