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Galactic bridge

This image was designed to be used as a virtual background in online meetings. You can select the size of your preference on the right column and download it to your computer. The "Fullsize Original" has 1920 x 1080 pixels, the "Large JPEG" has also 1920 x 1080 pixels but it is compressed and the "Screensize JPEG" has 1280 x 720 pixels.

Image caption: Our own galaxy, the Milky Way, appears in this stunning wide angle view as a bridge which seems to connect Paranal Mountain, the VLT site (on the left) with the nearby peak, home of the VISTA survey telescope. The brightest area, crossed by dark lanes corresponds to the central bulge of our Galaxy that we see perfectly edge-on. On the right, just above the VISTA telescope, the Andromeda galaxy (M31) is clearly visible as an elongated bright spot. M31 is a giant spiral galaxy, larger than the Milky Way, member of our Local Group and located some 2 million light-years away. Because of the exceptional quality of the sky, stars are still perfectly visible just above the horizon, where clouds typically cover the Pacific Ocean, only 12 km away from the observatory. This image in high resolution can be found on:

This Virtual Background is not available for sale.


G. Hüdepohl (

About the Virtual Background

Release date:2 February 2022, 17:44


Large JPEG
920.4 KB
Screensize JPEG
368.4 KB