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SEST and ESO 3.6-m Telescope UHD time-lapse of La Silla

The stars are seen reflected in the now decommissioned Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope (SEST) in this UHD time-lapse taken during the ESO Ultra High Definition Expedition. The ESO 3.6-metre telescope can be seen in the background. A rare cloudscape over the site makes for a dramatic seen in this video.


Y. Beletsky (LCO)/ESO

Sobre o vídeo

Data de divulgação:9 de Maio de 2014 às 18:10
Duração:32 s
Frame rate:30 fps

Sobre o objeto

Nome:ESO 3.6-metre telescope, Swedish–ESO Submillimetre Telescope
Tipo:Unspecified : Technology : Observatory : Telescope
Categoria:La Silla

Ultra HD (info)



QT grandes
8,6 MB


MPEG-1 médios
15,2 MB
Flash médios
7,4 MB


QT pequenos
2,0 MB

For Broadcasters