![Zoom-in on the Einstein ring on a region in Fornax](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/eso0521b.jpg)
Zoom-in on the Einstein ring on a region in Fornax
![The Orion Nebula (M42)](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/eso0421a.jpg)
The Orion Nebula (M42)
![The AT1 and the domes of the 8.2-m Unit Telescopes](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/eso0402c.jpg)
The AT1 and the domes of the 8.2-m Unit Telescopes
![Detail of the Sombrero galaxy](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb700x/eso0007b.jpg)
Detail of the Sombrero galaxy
![ESO 1.52-m telescope](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb700x/eso9905a.jpg)
ESO 1.52-m telescope
![The Swiss 1.2-metre Leonhard Euler Telescope at La Silla](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb700x/eso9855b.jpg)
The Swiss 1.2-metre Leonhard Euler Telescope at La Silla
![O objeto estelar jovem 177-341 W observado pelo VLT e pelo Hubble](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/potw2423b.jpg)
O objeto estelar jovem 177-341 W observado pelo VLT e pelo Hubble
![A view from the inside of the ELT dome](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/elt-hudepohl-aug2023-inside-dome.jpg)
A view from the inside of the ELT dome
![Imagem artística de uma micronova](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/eso2207a.jpg)
Imagem artística de uma micronova
![Imagem do buraco negro da M87 em luz polarizada](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/eso2105a.jpg)
Imagem do buraco negro da M87 em luz polarizada
![Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/lso-dsc-3475.jpg)
Swedish-ESO Submillimetre Telescope