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A Nebulosa Carina na constelação Carina

The Antennae galaxies in the constellation of Corvus

A Nebulosa da Galinha Corredora na constelação do Centauro

Poster: Café & Kosmos - From ghostly neutrinos to active galactic nuclei: latest results in the field of astroparticles

The Eyes in the constellation of Virgo

Gems logo

The spiral galaxy NGC 3521 in the constellation of Leo

The triplet of galaxies Messier 65, Messier 66 and NGC 3628 in the constellation of Leo

Superbubble in the constellation of Dorado

O campo COSMOS na constelação do Sextante

The constellation Ophiuchus, showing the Rho Ophiuchi star formation region

A estrela Betelgeuse na constelação de Orion

A região de formação estelar Messier 17 na constelação do Sagitário

The globular star cluster Omega Centauri in the constellation of Centaurus

The spiral galaxy NGC 6744 in the constellation of Pavo

The Meathook Galaxy, NGC 2442, in the constellation of Volans

NGC 3169 and NGC 3166 in the constellation of Sextans

NGC 3582 in the constellation of Carina

The star cluster and nebula NGC 371 in the constellation of Tucana

Star formation in the constellation of Corona Australis

Artwork showing some hexagonal mirror pieces of ELT

Artwork showing some hexagonal mirror pieces of ELT

Artwork showing some hexagonal mirror pieces of ELT

Artwork showing some hexagonal mirror pieces of ELT

NGC 247 in the constellation of Cetus

The young star T Cha in the constellation of Chamaeleon

Messier 78: uma nebulosa de reflexão em Orion

The Free Portal To The Universe app

Screenshot of the free Portal to the Universe app

NGC 3621 in the constellation of Hydra

A jóia na espada de Orion

The winners of ESO’s Hidden Treasures 2010 competition

Cover of CAPjournal issue 10

Poster: Ha Nacido una Estrella

A região de formação estelar Messier 8 na constelação do Sagitário

The globular star cluster Messier 107 in the constellation of Ophiuchus


A galactic collision in the constellation of Aquarius

Cover of CAPjournal issue 9

Star formation in the constellation of Monoceros

ESO’s Hidden Treasures — An astronomical images competition