Zooming in on the PDS 70 system, host to planet PDS 70b and a possible Trojan

This sequence takes the viewer towards the southern constellation of Centaurus. We zoom in on the orange dwarf star PDS 70, which is located about 400 light-years away and has at least two planets orbiting it. The final shot shows the spectacular new image, taken with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) of the PDS 70 system, where the planet PDS 70b and its Trojan cloud of debris are in the same orbit around the central star.


ESO/L. Calçada/ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO) /Balsalobre-Ruza et al. Music: Astral electronic.

O filmie

Data publikacji:19 lipca 2023 14:00
Powiązane komunikaty:eso2311
Czas trwania:50 s
Frame rate:25 fps

O obiekcie

Nazwa:PDS 70
Typ:Milky Way : Star : Circumstellar Material : Disk : Protoplanetary

Ultra HD (info)



9,7 MB

For Broadcasters