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The star-forming cloud RCW 34 in the constellation of Vela
This chart shows the constellation of Vela (The Sails) in the southern skies. All stars visible to the naked eye on a clear dark night are shown and the position of the star-forming cloud RCW 34 is marked. The glow is hard to see in small telescopes although the brighter stars in this rich field can be easily spotted.
Źródło:ESO, IAU and Sky & Telescope
O zdjęciu
Identyfikator: | eso1521b |
Typ: | Wizja artysty |
Data publikacji: | 27 maja 2015 12:00 |
Powiązane komunikaty: | eso1521 |
Rozmiar: | 3338 x 3433 px |
O obiekcie
Nazwa: | RCW 34 |
Typ: | Unspecified : Sky Phenomenon : Night Sky : Constellation |
Kategoria: | Illustrations |