ann19008 — Ogłoszenie
Joint EIROforum DG statement on equal opportunities
11 lutego 2019: The EIROforum, a collaboration of eight scientific research and technology organisations consisting of CERN, EMBL, ESA, ESO, ESRF, European XFEL, EUROfusion and ILL, aims to improve the quality and impact of research throughout Europe. Their combined resources, facilities and expertise supports European science to reach its full potential. In seeking to inspire the next generation of researchers, the EIROforum reaffirms its commitment toward providing equal opportunities for all, ensuring a positive impact of science in society, worldwide. In this spirit, and in particular today, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the EIROforum pays special tribute to the contribution of women and girls whose critical role in science and technology serves to strengthen the scientific community and its collective, global achievements.