
Connect with ESO in your Language

Joint initiative with volunteers to open translated social media accounts

1 grudnia 2014

Friends of ESO can now connect with the organisation on social media platforms available in their native language. Together with volunteers, ESO has started making ESO’s latest news available in several languages on Facebook and Twitter.

The news items from ESO are already translated into more than 18 languages thanks to the ESO Science Outreach Network (ESON). The network has also translated important parts of ESO’s website, as well as the ESO News weekly newsletter (subscribe here). Now, with the help of volunteers the aim is to offer as many people as possible the chance to read ESO’s astronomical news on social media across language barriers.

Those who wish to contribute translations for ESO local social media accounts which are still missing translations are invited to submit this form.



Oana Sandu
Community Coordinator
ESO education and Public Outreach Department
Tel: +49 89 320 069 65
Email: osandu@partner.eso.org

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Connect with ESO in your language
Connect with ESO in your language