ESO — Reaching New Heights in Astronomy
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ESO News
5 September 2018

The pioneering ATTRACT initiative couples world-class research laboratories and business management experts to create a European innovation ecosystem that will accelerate the development of disruptive technologies and their progress to market. The initiative, in which ESO is a partner, will fund 170 breakthrough detection and imaging ideas with market potential, and aims to create products, services, companies and jobs based on new detection and imaging technologies.

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The ESO Education and Public Outreach Department
5 September 2018

  ESO Announcements

Exciting Autumn Programme at the ESO Supernova — The latest range of planetarium shows, tours and events available from October to December

3 September 2018: The ESO Supernova team have been working hard to prepare the final programme for 2018, which includes exciting events and shows for our Planetarium & Visitor centre. We are delighted ...

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 Picture of the Week

Upcoming Events


5 - 7 September 2018: Cumbre chilena de difusión de la Astronomía

24 - 29 June 2019: Starmus V

2 July 2019: Total Solar Eclipse

Upcoming Exhibitions

5 - 6 October 2018: Ciencia Fest 2018. Santiago, Chile.

13 - 14 October 2018: XII Fiesta de la Ciencia y Tecnología. Santiago, Chile.

24 - 29 June 2019: Starmus V event. Bern, Switzerland.

V is for VLT  Under the celestial arch  A fulldome family portrait  Under the Southern Cross  Stormy seas in Carina 

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European Southern Observatory, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str 2, D-85748 Garching bei München, Germany