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Funding Opportunities in Chile (Anuncio de Oportunidades)

Call for proposals from Joint Committee of ESO and Government of Chile

6 juli 2020

To enhance its programme of scientific cooperation with its host country Chile, ESO provides and manages an annual fund devoted to the development of disciplines related to astronomy and technology in Chile. The board, which consists of representatives of ESO and the Chilean Government, through the Energy, Science and Technology & Innovation Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and with the participation of the Chilean National Agency for Research and Development, the Chilean Astronomical Society, evaluates and selects the programmes to be supported by this fund, which fall into the areas below:

  • ESO grant funding to postdoctoral programmes in astronomy at Chilean academic institutions.
  • Funding for extended scientific visits of one up to three months of post docs, researchers or senior faculty of academic institutions.
  • Funding for academic faculty positions for periods of up to two years at Chilean academic institutions.
  • Funding to support the development and presentation of educational programmes for the teaching and dissemination of astronomy in Chile.
  • Funding to support development programmes and the construction of technological systems for astronomy.
  • Funding to support the development of astronomy in areas not covered by the above four categories.

The Joint Committee of ESO and the Government of Chile will consider all proposals that contribute to the development of astronomy in Chile and will allocate funding up to an approximate total of about 450 million Chilean pesos in 2020. The criteria for the allocation of funding will take into account the merit of the projects, the strategic priorities determined by the Committee, the match between the requested amount and the scope of the projects, and the applicants’ record.

Please note that due to the uncertainty in the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on projects in the second half of 2020 and during 2021, the Joint Committee has decided to implement a number of measures as described in the Joint Committee Call for Proposals 2020 (Anuncio de oportunidades 2020 linked below).

Proposals must be submitted by institutions, by the deadline of 23:59 CLT on 4 September 2020.

Proposals must be written in English or Spanish, using the form at the link below (NB the form is in Spanish only).

For further information about the submission of proposals, please contact the office of the ESO Representative in Chile.



Claudio Melo
ESO Chile
Alonso de Córdova 3107, Vitacura
Santiago, Chile
Tel: +56 22 463 3032/ 22 463 3051

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Paranal at sunrise
Paranal at sunrise