![Part of the LMC H II region N214](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb700x/eso0513a.jpg)
Part of the LMC H II region N214
![NGC 2108 stellar cluster in the LMC](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb700x/eso0437h.jpg)
NGC 2108 stellar cluster in the LMC
![Big stellar cluster in the blue dwarf galaxy NGC 5253](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb700x/eso0434a.jpg)
Big stellar cluster in the blue dwarf galaxy NGC 5253
![Colour-composite of the sky field with several High-Redshift galaxies](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb700x/eso0326a.jpg)
Colour-composite of the sky field with several High-Redshift galaxies
![BN/KL complex in the Orion Nebula](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb700x/eso0113a.jpg)
BN/KL complex in the Orion Nebula
![Peering into a star factory](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/eso0030a.jpg)
Peering into a star factory
![The birth of a Supernova remnant](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/eso9914a.jpg)
The birth of a Supernova remnant
![Centre of merging galaxy system ESO202-G23](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/eso9856e.jpg)
Centre of merging galaxy system ESO202-G23
![Artist's impression: the violent history of stellar pair HD 148937](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/eso2407b.jpg)
Artist's impression: the violent history of stellar pair HD 148937
![Unloading the first shipment of the ELT main mirror segments](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/ann24001c.jpg)
Unloading the first shipment of the ELT main mirror segments
![Macchie del Sole vs. macchie delle stelle estreme del ramo orizzontale (rappresentazione artistica)](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/eso2009b.jpg)
Macchie del Sole vs. macchie delle stelle estreme del ramo orizzontale (rappresentazione artistica)
![Rappresentazione artistica di una stella tormentata da una macchia magnetica gigante](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/eso2009a.jpg)
Rappresentazione artistica di una stella tormentata da una macchia magnetica gigante
![L'osservatorio del Paranal ospita il presidente di Microsoft](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/ann19030b.jpg)
L'osservatorio del Paranal ospita il presidente di Microsoft
![Anatomia di un buco nero](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/eso1907h.jpg)
Anatomia di un buco nero
![A lunar eclipse: beginning and end](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/2018_01_31_ZM_Mozaika_Beg_End-turqoise-effect-CC.jpg)
A lunar eclipse: beginning and end
![Full Moon over HQ](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/2018_04_29_ESOHQ_Full_Moon_Horalek-CC.jpg)
Full Moon over HQ
![Clear-weather simulation of the 2019 eclipse viewed from La Silla (annotated, English)](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/eso1822b.jpg)
Clear-weather simulation of the 2019 eclipse viewed from La Silla (annotated, English)
![The sea behind a shadowy VLT](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb700x/DJI_0119-CC.jpg)
The sea behind a shadowy VLT
![Un'astronoma dell'ESO scelta per il programma di addestramento degli astronauti](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb700x/eso1807b.jpg)
Un'astronoma dell'ESO scelta per il programma di addestramento degli astronauti
![Construction continues on the ESO Supernova](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/upr_img_1482-cc.jpg)
Construction continues on the ESO Supernova
![Rappresentazione artistica del pianeta Ross 128 b](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/eso1736a.jpg)
Rappresentazione artistica del pianeta Ross 128 b
![VLT in the ESO Supernova planetarium](https://cdn.eso.org/images/thumb300y/kh9a0022-cc.jpg)
VLT in the ESO Supernova planetarium