Planetary nebulae in NGC 1399

Wide-field view of the sky around the galaxy NGP–190387

The Green Bean galaxy J2240

The dwarf galaxy UGC 5189A, site of the supernova SN 2010jl

A galaxy seen when the Universe was only 840 million years old

PKS 2155 30

Wide-field view of the sky around the gravitationally lensed galaxy merger H-ATLAS J142935.3-002836

Wide-field view of the sky around the galaxies NGC 1316 and 1317

Adaptive optics with MAD

Glowing haloes around distant galaxies

Wide-field view of the sky around the dwarf galaxy WLM

The Phoenix dwarf galaxy

Revealing the galactic secrets of NGC 1316

VIMOS image of galaxy NGC 4993 showing the visible-light counterpart to a merging neutron star pair (annotated)

Dustbands in the Sombrero Galaxy

Lyman-alpha contours at radio galaxy 1138-262

Wide-field view of the sky around Messier 33

Mosaic of galaxies in the background of NGC 1350

NGC 253 and the cloud of complex chemical composition