Artist’s impression of Mars four billion years ago

VLT Laser Guide Star

The Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy

Auxiliary Telescope under the Milky Way in UHD

ALMA antennas

ALMA antennas

Cosmic wonder over the NTT

Panoramic shot of the VLT platform

SEST with Large Magellanic Cloud

Star trails over Atacama Desert Cacti

Fish-eye view of La Silla shown in UHD

Milky Way stretches over ALMA in UHD panorama

La Silla shown in UHD

Fish-eye view of La Silla telescopes shown in UHD

Deep fiery sunset at Paranal

A milky arc over Paranal

Antarctic air visits Paranal

Excerpts from a VST image of the Lagoon Nebula

ALMA against the stars

The calm before the storm

Building ALMA

ALMA against the stars

Antenna against the stars

Milky Way from La Silla

Beaming into the sky

An APEX view of star formation in the Orion Nebula

Panorama of Cerro Murphy

La Silla under the stars

Sunset at Paranal Observatory

Setting the dark on fire

Artist’s impression of the surface of the dwarf planet Makemake

One picture, many stories

The planetary nebula Fleming 1 seen with ESO’s Very Large Telescope

Artist’s impression of the planet around Alpha Centauri B

From Cosmic Spare Tyre to Ethereal Blossom

The Extremely Large Telescope (annotated)

VLT image of the spiral galaxy NGC 1187

VISTA infrared image of the globular star cluster Messier 55

The Milky Way over the ESO 3.6-metre telescope

A dusting of snow in the Atacama Desert

Spinning into action

Christmas comet Lovejoy captured at Paranal

The Vela supernova remnant

Stars trails over La Silla

VLT observes the Antennae Galaxies

ALMA antennas

First European ALMA antenna handed over to Joint ALMA Observatory

First European ALMA antenna handed over to Joint ALMA Observatory

First European ALMA antenna handed over to Joint ALMA Observatory

First European ALMA antenna handed over to Joint ALMA Observatory

First European ALMA antenna handed over to Joint ALMA Observatory

First European ALMA antenna handed over to Joint ALMA Observatory

First European ALMA antenna handed over to Joint ALMA Observatory

The VLT platform

Fish-eye view of the Southern Sky

ALMA: greater than the sum of its parts

Artist’s impression of the disc around the young star T Cha

The Carina Nebula around the Wolf–Rayet star WR 22

Galactic bridge

TRAPPIST–South first light image of the Tarantula Nebula

Sunset at Cerro Armazones

ALMA site

VLT Unit and Auxiliary Telescope at Paranal

VLT at Paranal

SEST at La Silla

SEST at La Silla

The first three ALMA antennas at the Array Operations Site (AOS) on Chajnantor*

Two ALMA antennas on Chajnantor

ALMA antenna at OSF

APEX image calendar, October 2010 — Sun avoidance*

The cosmic bat — NGC 1788

Star-forming region NGC 346

A dwarf in the Fornax cluster

The black hole inside NGC 300 X-1 (artist’s impression)

The Extremely Large Telescope

The hidden fires of the Flame Nebula (full frame)

Comet McNaught over AT

The Milky Way galaxy

Chajnantor, with APEX

La Silla telescopes

Comet McNaught

Paranal Observatory

Paranal platform as night sets in

The Tarantula Nebula

The Sombrero Galaxy

Milky Way above the VLT platform

Adding an “artificial” star to the multitude in the sky

Milky Way over Paranal

Paranal Observatory

Paranal and the Basecamp *

Residencia in Paranal

An ALMA antenna en route to the plateau of Chajnantor for the first time

Artist's impression of the newly discovered planetary system Gliese 581

Irregular galaxy NGC 55

The Carina Nebula *

A laser comb for astronomy

Increasing the odds of the sweep

First light of the VLT Laser Guide Star

The super star cluster Westerlund 1

Spiral galaxy NGC 1097

LMC region near the Tarantula Nebula

Preparing for observations at Paranal

The Dumbbell Nebula

The Dumbbell Nebula

A giant ghostly bird

Perched on top of the world

A planet and its Trojan orbiting a star in the PDS 70 system (annotated)

A cosmic master of disguise

What’s that coming over the hill? It’s ALMA!

Water in the planet-forming disc around the star V883 Orionis (artist’s impression)

The new skyline of Cerro Armazones – panorama

Asteroid Didymos before the DART impact

Wispy dark clouds

The golden era to study stellar births

Shuttered in! Behind the VLT's high-tech windscreens

Searching for Gems

Bright planets imaged as La Silla restarts observations

SPHERE image of the inner disc around AB Aurigae

Ripples and Shells

The Stars of the Milky Way

The Large Magellanic Cloud revealed by VISTA

Flare at Paranal

Jewels of the Chilean night sky

R Aquarii peculiar stellar relationship captured by SPHERE

ALMA and MUSE Detect Galactic Fountain

Neptune from the VLT with MUSE/GALACSI Narrow Field Mode adaptive optics

Loops over La Silla

ALMA Reveals Inner Web of Stellar Nursery

Close-up of star near a supermassive black hole (artist’s impression)

Variable stars close to the galactic centre

The sky around the star formation region RCW 106

The Flying Saucer protoplanetary disc around 2MASS J16281370-2431391

The ESO 3.6-metre telescope and the Milky Way

Celestial blanket

The Milky Way arc over the VISTA in UHD

ALMA antennas

The Wild Duck cluster

ALMA antennas

Dizzying star trails over SEST

Galactic Atacama

The 66-antenna ALMA array

Auxiliary Telescope against a setting Sun

Very Large Telescope at sunset

Milky Way shines over snowy La Silla

Sun's light glinting over APEX

Golden hour at Paranal

Wide Field Imager view of a Milky Way look-alike, NGC 6744

The VLT in action

HAWK-I infrared image of the spectacular barred spiral galaxy NGC 1365*

The planetary system around the Sun-like star HD 10180 (artist’s impression)

Aerial view of Paranal Observatory

The Milky Way over Paranal

Dramatic moonset

APEX image calendar, September 2010 — Chajnantor from above

The future ALMA array on Chajnantor (artist’s rendering)


VLT platform

A supernova duet in NGC 1448

The Trapezium cluster

La Silla Observatory

An ALMA antenna en route to the plateau of Chajnantor for the first time

A plume on Betelgeuse (artist’s impression)

The rim of RCW 86

A curious pair of galaxies

SN1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud

The starburst spiral galaxy NGC 1792

The ISAAC infrared images of Messier 16

Panoramic view of the Paranal area*

View towards the Great Attractor

Star-forming region RCW38 in the Milky Way

A throne fit for the world’s largest telescope mirror

A galactic fountain

A slice of moon cheese, anyone?

A magical night in the Atacama Desert

An ExTrA special planet hunter

A scarlet cosmic sea

Hotspots found around young binary stars

La Silla Family Photo

A cosmic quartet

Five galaxies as seen with MUSE on ESO’s VLT at several wavelengths of light

Brilliant Halo at La Silla

Downslope at La Silla

MOSAIC model

An Otherworldly Glow

Arching over ALMA

Unassuming beauty

SPHERE's view of Betelgeuse in December 2019

ALMA image of HD101584

Going Underground

A Coffee Break — La Silla Style

Surveying the skies

The Carina Nebula in infrared light

MUSE image of the Saturn Nebula

True shape of the Boomerang

Artist’s rendering of the ELT in operation

The active galaxy Markarian 1018

Comet Lovejoy visits La Silla

The star cluster Messier 18 and its surroundings

Artist’s impression of cold intergalactic rain

The glowing gas cloud LHA 120-N55 in the Large Magellanic Cloud

The most powerful laser guide star system in the world sees first light at the Paranal Observatory

La Silla dawn kisses the Milky Way

Artist’s impression of the hottest and most massive touching double star

A microlensing mystery

The dusty cloud G2 passes the supermassive black hole at the centre of the Milky Way

The Great Dane

New dawn at La Silla

SEST at La Silla

La Silla in moonlight

La Silla waking up

View from the NTT

MUSE view of the ram-pressure stripped galaxy ESO 137-001

A Unit Telescope and an Auxiliary Telescope in UHD

Alien landscape

ALMA antennas

ALMA antennas

Dancing telescopes

Star rain in the desert

La Silla Observatory

Large Magellanic Cloud captured between a Unit Telescope

Gazing at the wonder of our Universe

The star formation region NGC 2035 imaged by the ESO Very Large Telescope

Telescopes at ESO's first site in Chile: the La Silla Observatory

ESO's Paranal Observatory: the VLT's Laser Guide Star and star trails

Milky Way above ALMA

The Paranal Observatory

Paranal beneath the Milky Way