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ESO Photo Ambassador Miguel Claro

Born in 1977 in the north of Portugal, and today based in Lisbon, Miguel Claro is a Portuguese professional photographer, author and science communicator in the astronomy field. He is the official astrophotographer for the Dark Sky Alqueva Reserve — the first starlight tourism destination in the world, located in the eastern part of Portugal’s south–central Alentejo Province. Miguel is a photographer member of TWAN (The World at Night) international project and a member of the photo workshop team Fotonature. He collaborates with National Geographic (Portugal), Ciel et Espace (France), and Astronomy (USA). He is the president of the jury for the international Photo Nightscape Awards that are presented annually in Paris. Miguel has been a lecturer in two presentations of TEDx and is the author of the astronomy and photography book Astrofotografia — Imagens à luz das estrelas in Portuguese and the new photo art book Dark Sky Alqueva — O Destino das Estrelas / A Star Destination published by Centro Atlântico. He was the protagonist of an article entitled Best Edit in National Geographic, and was also shortlisted twice for Astronomy Photographer of the Year by the Royal Observatory of Greenwich. His images have travelled the world and have been published in many different media outlets, from the written press to TV stations, including some of the most prestigious international magazines and web pages such as NASA’s Astronomy Picture of the Day.



ESO/M. Claro

About the Image

Release date:4 November 2015, 21:54
Size:5472 x 3648 px

About the Object

Name:Photo Ambassador
Type:Unspecified : People : Other/General
Category:People and Events

Image Formats

Large JPEG
4.4 MB
Screensize JPEG
267.3 KB