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Minor planet 1992 AD

This photo shows the newly discovered minor planet 1992 AD which is the most distant in the Solar System. It was obtained at the ESO La Silla Observatory on 5 February 1992. The telescope followed the planet whose 16.7 magnitude image is round; the stars in the field are seen as short trails. The diffuse trail at the upper left corner is that of a galaxy.



About the Image

Release date:24 February 1992
Related releases:eso9202
Size:2059 x 2089 px

About the Object

Name:1992 AD
Type:Solar System : Interplanetary Body
Category:Solar System

Image Formats

Large JPEG
2.8 MB
Screensize JPEG
772.1 KB

Colours & filters

Danish 1.54-metre telescope

Exposure time: 1800s