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Very sharp images with the ESO NTT at "first light''

Very sharp images with the ESO NTT at `"first light''. On the night of "first light'' for the ESO New Technology Telescope on La Silla (March 22 - 23, 1989), its excellent performance was impressively demonstrated. The "seeing'' (smearing of the stellar images due to atmospheric turbulence) was about the best ever recorded with a ground-based optical telescope; it varied between 0.36 and 0.50 arcseconds. The CCD images were immediately transmitted by satellite link to the ESO Headquarters in Garching.



About the Image

Release date:23 March 1989
Related releases:eso8903
Size:1752 x 960 px

About the Object

Type:Unspecified : Star : Grouping : Binary

Image Formats

Large JPEG
112.5 KB
Screensize JPEG
62.7 KB