VLT image of the area around the very faint neutron star RX J1856.5-3754

The motions of material in the discs around the young double star HK Tauri

Disc around the young star HD 163296 (observations)

The planetary nebula around Sakurai's Object

Wide-field view of part of the Taurus star formation region

ALMA’s view of the outflow associated with the Herbig-Haro object HH 46/47

Polarization in GRB 990510

NTT images of the supernova 1995K

Nova Muscae 1991

VLT/SPHERE and NACO image of the star L2 Puppis and its surroundings

Wide-field view of the parent star of the famous exoplanet Tau Boötis b

HD 87643

The double star HD 87643

Clouds around RY Sagittarii

Structure of the pulsating red giant S Ori (artist's impression)

The star HIC 59206 (AO corrected image)

Digitized Sky Survey image around the stellar cluster RCW 38

Wide Field Imager view of part of the bulge of the Milky Way

Wide-field view of the sky around the bright star Fomalhaut

Wide-field image centred on the exoplanet HIP 13044 b

Images of SCR 1845-6357 A and B in different filters (NACO-SDI/VLT)

"First Light" image from the SINFONI Adaptive Optics Module

Sky distribution of ~14.000 observed stars

The star HIC 69495 (AO corrected image)

Interferometric fringes of the star GJ 887

Detection of a bow shock around Vela X-1

Changes in the ring nebula around SN 1987A

The changing brightness and colour of the kilonova seen in NGC 4993

Composite of images of NGC 4993 and kilonova