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Zoom in on the star-forming region NGC 346

Zooming in on the star-forming region NGC 346, the brightest star-forming region in the neighbouring Small Magellanic Cloud galaxy, some 210 000 light-years away from Earth. The light, wind and heat given off by massive stars have dispersed the glowing gas within and around this star cluster, forming a surrounding wispy nebular structure that looks like a cobweb. NGC 346 is located in the constellation Tucana (the Toucan) and spans approximately 200 light-years.


ESO/Digitized Sky Survey 2/NOAO/S. Brunier. Music: John Dyson (from the album "Moonwind")

À propos de la vidéo

Date de publication:24 février 2010 12:00
Communiqués de presse en rapport:eso1008
Durée:56 s
Frame rate:30 fps

À propos de l'objet

Nom:NGC 346



Grands QT
13,6 Mio


Podcast vidéo
10,4 Mio


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