The system Gliese 667 (artist’s impression)

An asteroid that has split due to rotational fission (artist’s impression)

Artist’s impression of the European Extremely Large Telescope

Cover of The Messenger No. 149

Artist’s impression of a young galaxy accreting material

Artist’s impression of the glowing disc of material around the white dwarf SDSS J1228+1040

Screenshot of the ESO Media Newsletter as seen when received via email

Artist's impression of the ALMA project

Artist's impression of the engulfment of a planet

The Extremely Large Telescope (artist’s rendering)

A thick belt around a massive star in another galaxy

Observing the Venus Transit at Tahiti in 1769 (oil painting)

Kaasupilvistä kiekkoihin ja edelleen planeettajärjestelmiin (taiteilijan näkemys)

Number of papers published using observations from ESO facilities (1996–2017)

Size comparison between the E-ELT and other telescope mirrors


The habitable zone around some stars with planets