Clear-weather simulation of the 2019 eclipse viewed from La Silla (annotated, Spanish)

Syv små planeter i kredsløb om den kolde dværgstjerne TRAPPIST-1

Glædelig Jul og Godt Nytår fra European Southern Obsevatory

ESO ønsker alle en glædelig jul og et godt nytår

Kvasarernes uforklarede rotationsretninger, som tegneren forestiller sig dem

Transparency of the atmosphere

Orbits of eight new exoplanets and brown dwarfs

Interferometry - Mona Lisa observed with antennas at different separations

Interferometry - Mona Lisa observed with antennas in different orientations

Paths of all total solar eclipses in the period 2019–2040

A planet in the habitable zone

ESA/ESO Astronomy Exercise Series

Artist’s rendering of the CTAO northern site

Poster for: The Planets 360

Cover of Science in School issue No.36

Artist’s impression of the remarkable double star OGLE-LMC-CEP0227

VLT Survey provides new insight into formation of galaxies

Mechanical design of an IFU

Artist's impression of ALMA

Cover of The Messenger issue 182

Her er det supertunge sorte hul i stjernebilledet Sextans

E-ELTs optiske system med spejlenes placering

Illustration af ELTs primærspejl

Planet with superstorm (artist's impression)

Power spectrum of Eta Bootis

Cover of The Messenger No. 151

Artist's impression of the development of the Solar System

The OSF building