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M87* and Sgr A* side-by-side in polarised light

Seen here in polarised light, this side-by-side image of the supermassive black holes M87* and Sagittarius A* indicates to scientists that these beasts have similar magnetic field structures. This is significant because it suggests that the physical processes that govern how a black hole feeds and launches a jet may be universal features amongst supermassive black holes.

The scale shows the apparent size on the sky of these images, in units of micro-arcseconds. A finger held at arm's length measures 1 degree on the sky; a micro-arcsecond is 3.6 billion times smaller than that. In context, the images of these black holes have an apparent size similar to that of a donut on the surface of the Moon.


EHT Collaboration

O snímku

Datum zveřejnění:27. března 2024 14:00
Související články:eso2406
Velikost:9600 x 5400 px

O objektu

Jméno:M87*, Sagittarius A*
Typ:Milky Way : Galaxy : Component : Central Black Hole
Local Universe : Galaxy : Component : Central Black Hole
Kategorie:Quasars and Black Holes

Image Formats

Barvy & filtry

PásmoVlnová délkaDalekohled
Milimetrový1.3 mmEvent Horizon Telescope