ESO staff visits Sener

ESO Director General Xavier Barcons and ESO ELT Programme Manager Roberto Tamai visited the Sener facilities near Barcelona, Spain, on 4 September. The visit celebrated the completion of the support cell of the ELT's fifth mirror, M5. From left to right: Joan Manel Casalta, Head of Astronomy and Science at Sener; José Felix González Lodoso, Aerospace & Defence Operations Manager at Sener; Xavier Barcons, ESO’ Director General; Roberto Tamai, ESO's ELT Programme Manager; and Miguel Redondo, Project Director for the M5 mechanism at Sener.



O snímku

Datum zveřejnění:4. září 2024 15:00
Související oznámení:ann24014
Velikost:4000 x 2667 px

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Typ:Unspecified : People
Kategorie:People and Events

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