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"Life in the Universe" Final Event Video Now Available

7 december 2002

ESO Video Clip is issued on the web in conjunction with the release of a 20-min documentary video from the Final Event of the "Life in the Universe" programme. This unique event took place in November 2001 at CERN in Geneva, as part of the 2001 European Science and Technology Week, an initiative by the European Commission to raise the public awareness of science in Europe.

The "Life in the Universe" programme comprised competitions in 23 European countries to identify the best projects from school students. The projects could be scientific or a piece of art, a theatrical performance, poetry or even a musical performance. The only restriction was that the final work must be based on scientific evidence.

Winning teams from each country were invited to a "Final Event" at CERN on 8-11 November, 2001 to present their projects to a panel of International Experts during a special three-day event devoted to understanding the possibility of other life forms existing in our Universe. This Final Event also included a spectacular 90-min webcast from CERN with the highlights of the programme.

The video describes the Final Event and the enthusiastic atmosphere when more than 200 young students and teachers from all over Europe met with some of the world's leading scientific experts of the field.


Life in the Universe was jointly organised by the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN), the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Southern Observatory (ESO), in co-operation with the European Association for Astronomy Education (EAAE). Other research organisations were associated with the programme, e.g., the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF).

Meer informatie

Detailed information about the "Life in the Universe" programme can be found at the website and a webcast of this 90-min closing session in one of the large experimental halls at CERN is available on the web via that page.


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Persberichten nr.:eso0233
Legacy ID:Video 01/02
Type:Unspecified : People : Other/General



"Life in the Universe" final event
"Life in the Universe" final event