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ESO Movie 19: Physics on Stage

The Physics On Stage Science Festival formed an important part of the European Science and Technology Week 2000, an initiative by the European Commission to raise the public awareness of science in Europe.

The Physics On Stage programme was jointly organised by CERN, ESA and ESO, in collaboration with the European Physical Society (EPS) and the European Association for Astronomy Education (EAAE) and national organisations in about 25 European countries. During the final phase, more than 500 physics teachers, government officials and media representatives gathered at CERN in Geneva during November 6-11, 2000, to discuss physics education. The meeting was particular timely in view of the current European decline in enthusiasm for physics and technology, especially in schoolchildren. It included spectacular demonstrations of new educational materials and methods.

This video (with spoken commentary) documents the Science Festival at CERN. It conveys the great enthusiasm of the many participants who spent an fruitful week meeting and exchanging information with colleagues from all over the continent. It shows the various types of activities that took place, from the central fair with national and organisational booths to the exciting performances and other dramatic presentations. Based of the outcome of 13 workshops, a series of recommendations was passed at the final session. The meeting was visited by several high-ranking officials, including the European Commissioner for Research, Phillipe Busquin.

The video was produced by the ESO Video Team for the Physics On Stage International Steering Committee.



Über das Video

Veröffentlichungsdatum:7. Juli 2010 12:45
Dauer:18 m 11 s
Frame rate:30 fps

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