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Poster: The Tarantula Nebula

A stunning image of the cosmic spider, the Tarantula Nebula and its surroundings, finally pays tribute to this amazing, vast and intricately sculpted web of stars and gas. The image, made with ESO's Wide Field Imager on the 2.2-m ESO/MPG Telescope at La Silla, covers 1 square degree on the sky and could therefore contain four times the full Moon.

Poster dimensions: 59.5 x 78.2 cm

The full resolution image used in this poster can be viewed and downloaded here.

This Printed Poster is not available for sale.



About the PrintedPoster

Veröffentlichungsdatum:9. September 2010 22:49
Dimensions:59.5 cm (W) x 78.2 cm (H)
Pixel Size:1060 x 1500 px
Resolution:75 dpi


Großes JPEG
494,0 KB


PDF File
3,9 MB