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Poster: The Orion Nebula (Infrared View)

This poster shows a colour composite mosaic image of the central part of the Orion Nebula, based on 81 images obtained with the infrared multi-mode ISAAC instrument on the ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT) at the Paranal Observatory. The famous Trapezium stars are seen near the centre and the photo also shows the associated cluster of about 1,000 stars, approximately one million years old. More information about this image is available on: eso0104a

This poster is available from ESOshop on heavy paper in format 59 x 73 cm.

This product is only available in electronic form.

The full resolution image used in this poster can be viewed and downloaded here.

This Printed Poster is not available for sale.



About the PrintedPoster

Release date:9 September 2010, 22:41
Dimensions:59 cm (W) x 73 cm (H)
Pixel Size:1225 x 1500 px
Resolution:75 dpi


Large JPEG
304.6 KB
Screensize JPEG
260.1 KB


PDF File
2.8 MB