VLTI reconstructed view of the surface of Antares

Prickly points of light

Infrared view of the Rho Ophiuchi star-forming region

Planet Beta Pictoris seen with the NACO APP

"First light" for NAOS-CONICA at VLT YEPUN

Time sequence of fringes from Achernar

Centre of the Crab Nebula

Newly discovered large jet in the HH-111 complex

VLTI velocity map of the surface of Antares

The sky around the location of the planetary nebula ESO 378-1

GRB 060505

Alpha Centauri in the HR-System

Galaxy ESO 570-19 and variable star UW Crateris

3-D plot of HIC 69495 images (without and with AO correction)

GRB 990510

R Leporis as imaged by ALMA

Hubble view of the surroundings of a hidden neutron star in the Small Magellanic Cloud

Artist’s impression of grains in the disc around a brown dwarf

Artist’s impression of the disc of dust and gas around a brown dwarf

Optical/infrared comparison of the central parts of the Milky Way

Supernova 2003cg in the galaxy NGC 3169