Galaxy Cluster RCS2 J2327

HAWK-I and Hubble Explore a Cluster with the Mass of two Quadrillion Suns

Hubble image of the galaxy cluster Abell 3827

The Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect in the Spiderweb protocluster

Artist’s impression of ancient galaxy megamerger

VST image of the Hercules galaxy cluster

The Spiderweb protocluster

Hubble and ALMA image of MACS J1149.5+2223

X-ray image of the XXL-South Field

ALMA’s hole in the Universe

El Gordo: a massive distant merging galaxy cluster

Mapping dark matter in galaxies

The DPS Deep 3 Field (detail)

Location of the distant dusty galaxy A1689-zD1 behind the galaxy cluster Abell 1689 (annotated)

Chandra Deep Field South (Detail)

The galaxy cluster MACS J2135-010217 lensing SMM J2135-0102

Quasar (24.5 mag ;z~4) in MS 1008 Field

Galaxy cluster Abell 370

Composite of x-ray and visible light views of a distant cluster of galaxies

Cluster of galaxies-1ESO657-55 (V-band)

Galaxy cluster Abell 370

First VLT excursion into deep space

Centre of galaxy cluster MS1008.1-1224

Galaxy cluster CL2244-02 with gravitational arcs

FORS1 first light - distant cluster of galaxies

First images from VLT science verification programme

Bright galaxies in the Virgo cluster

Cluster of galaxies CL0053-37 in NGC 300 field