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Café & Kosmos 24 April 2013

How on Earth could terrestrial life survive for so long?

23 April 2013

With Dr Dietrich Baade (ESO)

This theme complements the question of whether there is extraterrestrial life. Although life formed on Earth over three and a half billion years ago and has since then occupied almost all the available ecological niches in the biosphere, it is not at all obvious that during this time life should have evolved to ever more advanced forms. In fact, outside the incredibly thin film of the biosphere, the Universe is extremely hostile to life. The preservation of terrestrial life required a combination of numerous favourable astronomical circumstances, which, after a general introduction, Dr Dietrich Baade (ESO) will identify and characterise, together with the guests of the next Café & Kosmos, on Wednesday 24 April 2013.

Note that, exceptionally, Café & Kosmos will take place on a Wednesday. Café & Kosmos events take place in German.

What: How on Earth could terrestrial life survive for so long?
When: Wednesday, 24 April 2013, 19:00 until approximately 20:30
Where: Vereinsheim, Occamstr. 8, 80802 München, near Münchener Freiheit

Admission is free.



Olivier Hainaut
Karl Schwarzschildstr. 2
85748 Garching bei München
Tel: +49 89 3200 6752

Dr. Hannelore Hämmerle
MPI für extraterrestrische Physik
MPI für Astrophysik
85748 Garching
Tel: +49 (89) 30 000 3980

About the Announcement



Poster of Café & Kosmos 24 April 2013
Poster of Café & Kosmos 24 April 2013