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ESO in the Chilean National Science and Technology Week

5 October 2009

In Chile, 5–11 October is the National Science & Technology Week. This year, it is dedicated to the International Year of Astronomy 2009, and ESO is playing an active role. Everyone is invited to the following events and exhibitions:

Monday 5 October sees the launch in Antofagasta of the GalileoMobile, an itinerant outreach project. To celebrate the beginning of the GalileoMobile’s two-month-long journey, there will be a public star party, in collaboration with Universidad Catolica del Norte and Explora Conicyt Region II. Place and time: Plaza Berta González, Universidad Católica del Norte (Av Angamos 0610), starting at 19:00.

On Friday 9 October in Santiago, Explora Conicyt and Metro of Santiago are inaugurating the new interactive exhibition "Noticias del Universo" (see video), developed specially for the International Year of Astronomy. In the coming years, this exhibition will travel to all regions of Chile, thanks to Explora Conicyt. Guided tours for schools can be arranged through Place and time: Multisala Cultural de la Estación Baquedano, Metro de Santiago, from 9 October to 1 November.

From Wednesday 7 October to Saturday 10 October in Santiago, the Quinta Normal Public Park will host "La Fiesta de las Estrellas”. Video projections, photo exhibitions, 3D cinema, planetarium presentations and plays about Galileo are part of the programme.

From Friday 9 October in Valparaiso, the Science Tunnel will be open to the public at Muelle Baron. This is an international interactive exhibition developed by the Max Planck Society, which travels to many countries in the world, and presents a fascinating journey from the scale of atoms up to the largest structures in the Universe. ESO is a partner of the Science Tunnel. The exhibition can be visited from 9 October until 10 December. Opening hours are Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 19:00, weekends from 11:00 to 20:00.

At La Silla and Paranal, groups of schools from Antofagasta and La Serena/Coquimbo will visit the observatories, in the context of the national event "Laboratorios, Museos y Observatorios Abiertos".

In addition, many ESO staff will be participating in the educational project “1000 Cientificos, 1000 Aulas” and sharing their experiences of science with teachers, students, and other young people.

More info about all these exciting events is available at



Gonzalo Argandoña
ESO ePOD, Chile
Tel: +56 2 463 3258

About the Announcement

